Home Gk Question Answer, General Knowledge Question Answer

Gk Question Answer, General Knowledge Question Answer

by BhartiyaExam - 06-Jun-2017 04:42 AM {{viewCount}} Views {{commentsList.length}} Comment

Question (1) Madhya Pradesh shares its border with how many states?
ans:- 5

Question (2) Which is the state that is top in the cultivation of flowers?
ans:- Tamil Nadu.

Question (3) Which region has the oldest rocks?
ans:- Aravallis.

Question (4) Which river emerges from Amarkantak plateau in Madhya Pradesh?
ans:- Narmada.

Question (5) Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath and Mussorie lies in which state?
ans:- Uttrakhand.

Question (6) The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer long?
ans:- 2500

Question (7) Which longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time?
ans:- 82.5°E

General Knowledge Question Answer

Question (8) Which is the oldest mountain range in India?
ans:- Aravali.

Question (9) The small and marginal farmers will get irrigation facilities through which plan?
ans:- Ganga Kalyan Yojna.

Question (10) In India, what is the main limiting factor for cultivation?
ans:- Indequacy of water supply.

Question (11) Which state is the largest producer of black pepper in India?
ans:- Kerala.

Question (12) Jhum cultivation is a method of cultivation which is used to be practiced in which state?
ans:- Nagaland.

Question (13) Which is not an important plantation crop of India?
ans:- Grapes.

Question (14) Which cause rainfall in the north-western parts of India during Winter Season?
ans:- Western disturbances.

Question (15) South west monsoon contributes to India’s total rainfall upto the extent of how many percentages?
ans:- 80-90 percent.

Question (16) Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
ans:- Saddle Peak.

Question (17) At where do the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats meet?
ans:- Nilgiri Hills.

Question (18) On the basis of rainfall patterns, India has been divided into how many number of rainfall regions?
ans:- 62

Question (19) If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go?
ans:- Rajasthan.

Question (20) When the top layer of the soil is removed over a large area by running water, what is it called?
ans:- Sheet erosion.

Question (21) Of the gross cropped area in India, the food grains occupy howmany percentages?
ans:- 60 to 70 percent.

Question (22) Which crop are grain with the on set of mansoon and are harvested in September-October?
ans:- Kharif.

Question (23) Which state leads in the production of maize?
ans:- Punjab.

Question (24) Which Pairs is the highest peak of India?
ans:- Kanchanjungha.

Question (25) Which city lies to the western most longitudes?
ans:- Jaipur.

Question (26) Which is the capital of the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli?
ans:- Silvassa.

Question (27) Kanchipuram is in which state?
ans:- Tamil Nadu.

Question (28) In Thornthwaite’s scheme of classification of climate, what does ‘E’ indicate in the context of India?
ans:- Arid climate.

Question (29) Which region does not receive much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season?
ans:- Eastern Himalayas.

Question (30) Which state receives rainfall from north-east monsoons?
ans:- Tamil Nadu.

Question (31) Which is considered to cause an adverse of effect on Indian monsoon?
ans:- El-nino.

Question (32) In which district is the highest point of Eastern Ghats located?
ans:- Visakhapatnam.

Question (33) Among the States of India, which one has the oldest rock formations in the country?
ans:- Karnataka.

Question (34) The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges, which is the oldest range?
ans:- the Great Himalayas Range.

Question (35) Which country has the longest international boundary with India?
ans:- Bangladesh.

Question (36) India is the seventh largest country in the world and how much area does it cover approximately?
ans:- 3200000 sq. km

Question (37) How much percent land area of India is covered by plains?
ans:- 43.3

Question (38) Which state is with the largest area under waste land?
ans:- Jammu and Kashmir.

Question (39) ‘Syntaxial Bent’ is a feature of which range?
ans:- Himalayas.

Question (40) Which city will never get the vertical rays of the Sun?
ans:- Srinagar.

Question (41) In terms of area, India is which largest country of the world?
ans:- Seventh.

Question (42) The Karakoram Highway connects which pair of countries?
ans:- China-Pakistan.

Question (43) What is the approximate length of the coast-line of India?
ans:- 6,000 km.

Question (44) Among the Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size?
ans:- Puducherry.

Question (45) Which correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India?
ans:- Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot.

Question (46) The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer broad?
ans:- 150 to 400

Question (47) How many islands of India are located in the Bay of Bengal?
ans:- 204

Question (48) The Himalayas consist of how many main parallel ranges from north to south?
ans:- Three.

Question (49) How much percentage land areas of India is covered by mountains?
ans:- 10.7

Question (50) Driest areas of India which lie in Rajasthan have howmuch average annual rainfall?
ans:- Less than 1 cm

Question (51) In which country is Barail range located?
ans:- India.

Question (52) Which State in India has the broadest continental shelf?
ans:- Gujarat.

Question (53) Which is the wettest place in India?
ans:- Mawsynram.

Question (54) Which is area with annual rainfall less than 500 cm in a year?
ans:- Leh in Kashmir.

Question (55) How much average annual rainfall is experienced in the Rayilsema?
ans:- About below 60 cm.

Question (56) The distance between the northern most point in Kashmir and Kanyakumari covers about how many latitudes?
ans:- 300 Latitude.

Question (57) Seacoast of which state is the longest?
ans:- Gujarat.

Question (58) Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stations?
ans:- Himachal.

Question (59) Which is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
ans:- Indonesia.

Question (60) What is the difference between IST and GMT?
ans:- 5 hours 30 minutes.

Question (61) In which island of India is an active volcano found?
ans:- Barren Island.

Question (62) Kula, Kufri, Kajjair and Dalhousie are all tourists place of which state?
ans:- Himachal Pradesh.

Question (63) Which two river meet and form the largest delta in the world?
ans:- Ganga-Brahmaputra.

Question (64) Which region has the highest variability of rainfall?
ans:- Gujarat.

Question (65) The areas where monthly rainfall during October to December ranges 10 cm to 30 cm fall in which state?
ans:- Jammu and Kashmir.

Question (66) In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located?
ans:- Sutlej valley.

Question (67) Macmohan Line demarcates the boundary between which countries?
ans:- India and China.

Question (68) Which latitude passes through India?
ans:- Tropic of Cancer.

Question (69) Which river does not form any delta at its mouth?
ans:- Tapti and Narmada.

Question (70) Penganga, Wardha and Wainganga are the tributaries of which river?
ans:- Godavari.

Question (71) Which lake in India has the highest water salinity?
ans:- Sambhar.

Question (72) Which station has maximum annual range of temperature?
ans:- Delhi.

Question (73) Which are two coldertmenths in the northern part of India?
ans:- December, January.

Question (74) Which is the State having the highest rainfall by North-East Monsoon?
ans:- Tamil Nadu.

Question (75) During winter North-western part of India gets rainfall from which side?
ans:- Western disturbances.

Question (76) Which winds prevail in India during cold weather season?
ans:- North-East Trade winds.

Question (77) Which lake has been formed due to tectonic activities?
ans:- Wular lake.

Question (78) The Damodar-Subarnarekha system is an example of which pattern?
ans:- Superimposed drainage pattern.

Question (79) Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of which map?
ans:- Chropleth map.

Question (80) Which place gets the least rainfall?
ans:- Jodhpur.

Question (81) In certain parts of Khasi and Jaintia hills, annual rainfall is about howmany c.m.?
ans:- 1000 cm.

Question (82) Which place receives fainfall less than 20 cms?
ans:- Jammu and Kashmir.

Question (83) The maximum rainfall area of India, i. e, Meghalaya has average annual rainfall of howmany c.m.?
ans:- 1050 cm.

Question (84) With which crop has Green Revolution been associated?
ans:- Wheat.

Question (85) Out of the total irrigated areas, the highest percentage of tank irrigated area lies in which state?
ans:- Bihar.

Question (86) Which region does not receives much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season?
ans:- Tamil Nadu coast.

Question (87) The annual variability of rainfall is over 50 percent in which state?
ans:- Western Rajasthan.

Question (88) Amritsar and Shimla are almost on the same latitude, but why is their climate difference?
ans:- Due to the difference in their altitudes.

Question (89) Among regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of annual rainfall?
ans:- North-eastern Rajasthan.

Question (90) In which season in the frequency of tropical cyclenes in the Bay of Bengal Maximum?
ans:- Retreating mansoon.

Question (91) Why most parts of India remains dry during cold weather season?
ans:- Due to low pressure.

Question (92) Which region has internal drainage?
ans:- Rajasthan.

Question (93) On which river is located Indo- Pak Bagalihar Project?
ans:- Chenab.

Question (94) Which waterfall in India has the most height?
ans:- Kunchikal Falls.

Question (95) Certain regions of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh have rainy season in which months?
ans:- October-December.

Question (96) North-East monson causes rainfall in South-Eastern part of peninsular India during which states?
ans:- May-June.

Question (97) In India, which state has the largest inland saline wetland?
ans:- Rajasthan.

Question (98) The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which river?
ans:- Chenab.

Question (99) The Chilka Lake region lies in between the deltas of which rivers?
ans:- Mahanadi and Godavari.

Question (100) Whey are some of the rivers of peninsular India non perennial mainly?
ans:- Beacause rainfall is seasonal.

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